For the members of North Dakota Farm Bureau
Putting Healthcare Back In YOUR Hands

Private Care With No Waiting Rooms & Copays
Select a plan to enjoy round-the-clock access to providers from any device whenever needed. Each plan covers up to 7 users, no extra fees for visits, and the membership can be canceled at any time. In addition, you can access up to 600+ generic medications for no extra cost!
Providing CARE You & Your Family Will Love
Virtual Urgent Care
$0 cost consults (No Caps)
Member + Family Members
Available 24/7 to diagnose illnesses and order prescriptions.
Ideal for common conditions, including COVID-19, strep throat, flu, urinary tract, vomiting, diarrhea, allergies, and so much more.
The average wait time is 16 minutes. The maximum wait time is 2 hours.
How it Works: -
Members can call the 24/7 phone line or click in the member portal to request/schedule a consultation.
A provider will call the members directly, or the member can join on video from the website.
Access the Treatment Plan (Member can see the diagnoses, prescriptions, and doctors’ notes as directed)
Virtual Counseling
$0 cost sessions (No Caps)
Member + Family Members
24/7 access for stress, anxiety, depression, sudden loss, or other mental health needs.
Private & On Demand
Speak with a licensed therapist from anywhere.
How it works:
Members can call our dedicated number to speak with a master-degree therapist for immediate-need help or schedule a session.
Once the first session is finished, the member can continue sessions with the same therapist at $0 cost.
Prescription Services
Basic Plan ​
Basic Plan Members will receive an RX Discount Card that saves up to 80% of Prescriptions Costs.
Plus & Platinum Plan
$0 cost for Acute- Immediate Need Meds (must be on formulary or else subject to discount)
$0 cost for Chronic- Maintenance Meds (must be on formulary or else subject to discount)
$0 cost for Diabetes Testing Kit and Oral Medications like Metformin (must be on formulary or else subject to discount)
Avoid Creating Debt For The Basic Needs of Healthcare
Our approach breaks this cycle by offering 24/7 access to providers for non-emergency needs that will be cured with a prescription. 75% of primary care offices close at 6 pm, leading individuals to the ER for illnesses that will be cured with a prescription. 66% of ER visits are considered non-emergency, typically resulting in a $2200 medical debt.